Hello there, I'm Prottoy. I am currently studying Computer Science and Engineering at BRAC University. As a fresher the first semester has been a roller coaster ride for me. Faced some hard times along with moments to cherish about. I'm just gonna share some here.

As I'm not a native dweller of Dhaka city, it was kind of a struggle for me to fit in here. New atmosphere, new people around me, new social life everything was slaggy at start. It didn't last long though. My roommate is my school's childhood friend so it was an advantage. My two other flatmates were also very nice and friendly, which eased many things for us.

First day of the university was also very memorable for me. Even though I'm not a very shy person It felt kind of odd to me to talk to someone at first. I still talked with the guy named Yamin who sat beside me and came to know each other. He is my best university mate till date. After all the classes ended we sat with some more guys in the canteen and that's how my first day went.

Orientation day came by few days and that was one hell of an programme. My roommate Srizon and I went there knowing almost no one, but made some friends there afterwards. The day was a good one.

By this time university's academic pressure was also increasing. Mid term, quizzes , deabtes, labs everything was knocking at the door. I felt depressed at times due to pressure situations like this. It made me miss my home which I left only to persue my dreams. It kept my passion alive to drive to the obstacles and overcome them. I won't say my marks were extraordinary but It didn't get that bad. I wasn't disappointed with my grades of quizzes and mid though I could have done better.

After mid classes started between Ramadan. It felt way different than normal classes for obvious reasons. After Suhoor there wasn't much time to sleep for me which caused me sleep at noon. Leaving away from family had to make Iftaar by myself and manage studies too.

It was difficult at times but I didn't hated that a bit.


Currently Eid vacation is going on and I'm in my hometown Rajshahi. After vacation few quizzes will take place and then Final exam will occur. There is not much time left to prepare. I have some gaps to fill after vacation and I need to do that urgently ifI want to bring good grades. Hope i can do that Ameen.

So, that is how my university life is going till now, Its different everyday and I am all in for it.

Written by,

Name: Khandoker Ragib Rawnak Prottoy 

Id: 24101110

Section: 02


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