Keys to Getting a Better Physique: A Fitness Journey


 Socrates once said “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

 Have you ever wondered how happy we would’ve been if we achieved our dream body? More or less we’ve all wanted it. Didn’t we all, even sometimes in our lives, before going to bed or after waking up in the morning, stand in front of the mirror of our room/bathroom and stare at the mirror and zone out thinking about our body or how it could’ve been?

Kudos to those who were always content with their body. Getting your dream body isn’t that hard. It’s all about perseverance and dedication.

 Have you ever seen the demolition and construction of a building? It takes 2-3 years to construct a building. But it only takes 2 months to demolish it. Just like that, getting fit from fat might be easier than skinny to fit.

My fitness journey Started in September (2021) when I was weighing only 57 Kilos at 5’11’’ height. Moreover, my BMI was below the ideal range. At times I felt somewhat skinny and weak. So, I decided to join the gym. The first couple of weeks were the most hardest and terrible weeks of my life. I couldn’t sleep at night due to muscle pain which is a good indicator for muscle growth. After 1 month, I started to enjoy it. I started to see visible progress after 2 months. I gained about 4 kg of lean muscle mass. I also gained strength and endurance. My mental health also improved. What I followed to achieve my goal was a proper diet and intense workout.

Anyone wanting to put on weight must have to change their diet first of all. Try to increase your daily calorie intake and protein intake. Protein is the Key factor for building your muscles. Don't go for artificial foods like protein powder and creatine powder at first. Indeed those can boost both your performance and gains but your body isn’t ready for all those things at first. Egg whites are a better alternative as it is a good source of healthy protein. Eat 5-6 eggs per day with only 2 whole eggs and the rest egg whites if you want to build muscle. Besides, peanut butter, oats, lentils, and chickpeas are also a great source of protein.

 Don’t forget to drink milk regularly and eat nutritious fruits. Try avoiding junk foods and beverages. For the workout, focus on the compound exercises and isolation exercises as these help in faster muscle gain. Work out at least 4-5 days a week with a minimum of 1.5 hours for each workout session. You can skip cardio if your primary goal is to gain weight and build muscles. But, some slight cardio like 5 mins of cycling won’t affect you. Before lifting heavy and compound exercises, do freehand stretching first as it increases your mobility and lessens the chances of acute muscle pain.

Anything you do for more than 1 week becomes a hobby and for more than 3 months, it becomes a lifestyle. Workout and diet is a part of your lifestyle. You are what you eat is not just a saying. It is true in every aspect of your life. Don’t give up on anything and work hard on it and indeed you can achieve it.

Rajorshe Roy

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