I like ducks and why YOU should too

When I say I like ducks, I really do mean it. 


What's not to like about them? Firstly, they're cute to look at. You can't tell me you have never seen a baby duckling, barely the size of an apple, run while stomping their disproportionately long webbed feet up and down, trying to catch up with their friend and not feel the tiniest bit of affection for the little fur-ball. I dare you to see if you can control not fawning over this video.

Secondly, have you ever seen a duck fight? They not only share familial ties with the aggressive temperamental geese but share some of the same fighting genes as well. Don’t believe me? Tell me, who do you think would win in a fight between a Duck & a Chicken? The duck has a larger beak, a relatively bigger stature, the eyes of a killer, and the body of a world-class Olympic Swimmer. Their feathers are sharp and coated with wax, absolutely waterproof. Eyes that can see both front and back. Intelligence that can make even the smartest rooster fall to its polydactyly toes. Needless to say, no chicken stands a chance when put one-on-one with a duck, no matter how genetically superior they are. 

Thirdly, ducks are silly. In fact, they might be one of the silliest animals on Earth. Due to their inherent quality of being social from birth, they enjoy the company of others. For ducklings, they can communicate with each other from before they are born so that they can time their hatching right- isn't that cute and a little silly? If a human person is there when a duckling hatches, it may see that person as their mother and instinctively follow the person wherever they go- as shown in  Ep 30 of Tom & Jerry. Ducks' dense big balloon of a body shifts left and right when they walk on land, due to the silly nature of how they look, they don't call it walking, we call it waddling- ducks waddle.

Though there are a multitude of reasons why I like ducks and so should you- for the sake of the argument, let’s see why ducks might not be the best: For the most part, it’s due to internal violence between ducks. Ducks don't interfere much with other animals(like the chicken we talked about prior), not more than they do within themselves, and can be just as deadly to each other as they are caring for one another at birth. We can take this as an analogy for humans as well- we are our worst enemy. They get territorial and aggressive during mating season, so much so that they lose their guise as silly-looking birds and become disgusting savages.

Apart from that, ducks remain harmless to us humans, a quality that is sometimes taken advantage of for our benefit- whether that be as entertainment, nourishment, or offering. Regardless of how you may see it, ducks will always play a critical role in their ecosystem, fuel the entertainment industry with quality memes, and forever remain the silliest waddling swimmer we love by heart.


Written by,

Mahmudul Hasan Ahmed Farhan

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